What Mother Earth Means to Us

What Mother Earth Means to Us

The season of spring symbolizes many different things, including new beginnings and rebirth. However, this is also a time to appreciate the Earth and everything she provides us. Earth day is on April 22nd, and in honor of Mother Earth, let's talk about her and everything she symbolizes and brings us. We will also be holding an Earth Day live event on April 16th at 8:30 pm.

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Mother Earth

Mother Earth, also known as the Earth Mother, is represented by the Goddess Gaia. She’s known for creating life on earth, and in modern times she’s now the face of the environmental movement. The mother of Uranus, she also symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings as well as feminine power, fertility, and agriculture.

Gaia was born when the world was nothing but chaos and went on to create the world. In honor of Gaia, and everything that she’s provided us, many people celebrate and honor her on Earth Day. Whether it’s meditating in nature or planting a tree in her honor, it’s important we recognize everything the Earth Mother provides us. Appreciate the beauty that surrounds us and celebrate it.

Earth Day

Figure meditating in front of Earth

Earth Day has been celebrated since 1970 and over 190 countries celebrate it. The idea behind the first Earth Day was brought together by Senator Gaylord Nelson. He was inspired by the students protesting war and decided to use that energy and the problems facing pollution and make something grander out of it. 

Senator Nelson’s idea, alongside co-chairman Pete McCloskey to hold a teach-in event at a college along with activist Denis Hayes. Thus, Earth Day was born. Ever since people have been using this day to be more eco-friendly and advocate for a more environmentally friendly way of living. After all, Mother Earth provides us with a way of life and beauty all around. How can we not try to preserve this beauty?

Earth Day also reminds us to come together. We all call this planet home, we are all one. We are all of Earth and are blessed by Mother Earth. As such, we need to come together and take care of each other and the Earth. When the 22nd comes around, be sure to do your part in admiring nature, and doing your part to keep it healthy.

Stay Tuned for our Earth Day Celebration

Earth in a heart shape

In honor of the Earth Mother, we are holding a special live event on April 16th at 8:30 pm over zoom. This event is over $600 in value, and it can be yours for just $8.88. That’s a deal you won’t get anywhere else! Buy your tickets now! You won’t want to miss out on this event, and tickets sell fast.

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