Mother Earth Healing Event

Mother Earth Healing Event

Earth Day is just around the corner, and in honor of the beauty and life Mother Earth has given us, we’re holding a special live zoom event on April 16th at 8:30 pm. We will be celebrating life, unity, nature, and of course, Mother Earth. For more information on how Earth Day got its beginnings, and more on this event, read on.

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Origins of Earth Day

Mother Earth, also known as the Earth Mother, is represented by the Goddess Gaia. She’s known for creating life on earth, and in modern times she’s now the face of the environmental movement. The mother of Uranus, she also symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings as well as feminine power, fertility, and agriculture.

Earth Day has been celebrated since 1970 and over 190 countries celebrate it. The idea behind the first Earth Day was brought together by Senator Gaylord Nelson. He was inspired by the students protesting war and decided to use that energy and the problems facing pollution and make something grander out of it. 

Senator Nelson’s idea, alongside co-chairman, Pete McCloskey to hold a teach-in event at a college along with activist Denis Hayes. Thus, Earth Day was born. Ever since people have been using this day to be more eco-friendly and advocate for a more environmentally friendly way of living. After all, Mother Earth provides us with a way of life and beauty all around. How can we not try to preserve this beauty?

What this Event will Entail

Earth Mother

We have a very special jam-packed event that you aren’t going to want to miss. This event will be broken into two parts.

Educational Part

The first part of this event will be an educational session after everybody enters the zoom and settles in. We will be going over the different holidays and their meanings, as well as entering the new eclipse season. When you know these, you’ll know how to better prepare for the decisions you make going forward. 

Vibrational Healing Through Sound Therapy

Once the educational part wraps up, we will start a sound therapy session. We will start with healing for Mother Earth and thank her for everything she provides us. Then we’ll heal ourselves. Our lives are hectic and we almost never make enough time to focus on what we need.

Now, you’ll have time, as you’ll be able to heal through this event. You can take this time to visualize your life, health, and goals you want to achieve. Use this time for healing and growing. Release that negative energy and welcome the positivity.


Afterward, we will do a grounding session. During this time, you will be grounded in the world and connect directly to the heart of Mother Earth. Reconnecting with Mother Earth will be a wonderful experience for both you and her. We’re all living beings, we all need to heal as we are all one. We can all become more mindful of one another during this process.

Part Two

Bay leaf burning

Bay Leaf Burnings

After the grounding, we’re going to have a 5-minute intermission. Once we come back, we’ll be doing a bay leaf burning. It’ll be collective healing for everyone that comes with the admission ticket. So even if you don’t want to opt for a more in-depth and personal burning, you can still partake in the collective burning.

The second one is a general bay leaf burning with your name for $35. The third one is a more personalized bay leaf burning to focus on love, relationships, career, finance, etc. for $45. 

More people in the meeting leads to more power to manifest for everyone. The power of manifestation is a beautiful thing to be a part of and witness. What are your dreams and aspirations? What do you want to manifest into reality? Make sure you keep them in mind for this event.


The fun doesn’t stop there though! We’ll also have some giveaways for our newly launched metaphysical shop. There will be a gift card worth $50 that you can use on our new shop and on merchandise. 

Our shop will be launched after the event is done, and the winner will be announced after the intermission. If you’re interested in crystals, tarot cards, sages, and more, you’ll find what you need and more through our shop, and having a gift card to use on your first order isn’t too bad either.

Why Should We Care About Mother Earth? 


Our planet provides us with everything we need in order to live and prosper. However, as we progress as a society, our innovations and actions have led to a negative impact on our Earth. From pollutants in the air and in our water, we’re harming the beautiful life that we share this planet with.

She is purging, we’ve had devastating wildfires, storms, and earthquakes. We’re taking her for granted and she’s angry. If she doesn’t survive, we don’t survive. We need to heal her and heal ourselves.

Helping Mother Earth helps you in many ways. First, strengthen your connection to our Earth Mother. As we heal ourselves, that positive energy spreads to others, and that includes Mother Earth. Healing ourselves also heals the collective. Mother Earth is a being just like you and me, and every other living thing. 

She gives so much to us, it’s only right that we do our best in giving back to her. One of the easiest ways to give back is to be more mindful. Even if you’re new to spirituality, you can still participate and learn more. You’ll be so glad you did.

Claim Your Ticket Now

Our tickets sell out fast, so be sure to claim your ticket now! This will be a fun and lively celebration, so join us and spread the word to your friends, family, and community tabs.

This session is valued at over $600, but for you, the price is $8.88! This is a price you can’t get anywhere else. It’s a beautiful thing for all of us to come together on this day and thank Mother Earth for everything she does for us. 

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