What do Chakra's Mean?

What do Chakra's Mean?

You may have heard the term “chakra” maybe once or twice, but have you ever stopped to think about what it means, and what it could provide to you? We often hear terms related to spirituality, and some may just brush it off. However, doing so leads to you missing out on something that can help you heal, and have your mind, spirit, and body connected and working together. Let’s discuss what Chakra work is, and how it can help you.

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The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel or cycle. Chakra provides energy to your mind, organs, and intellect working together to be at their best. We are more than just our physical and mental states. We also have energy flowing through our bodies. This energy runs along through the top of the spine, down to the base of it.

The 7 Chakras


There are 7 main points of Chakra, that all have different purposes and meanings. 

They are The Root, which is located at the base of your spine and is associated with the color red and Earth. It’s believed that the Root Chakra connects you to the world and how to control your feelings of survival. 

The Sacral is represented by the color orange and water. This Chakra is about creativity, sexuality, intuitiveness, self-worth, etc. 

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The Solar Plexus is yellow and is tied to fire. The Solar Plexus is located between the ribs and the navel. It controls self-esteem and emotions such as ego, anger, and aggression.

The Heart Chakra is represented by green and air. This Chakra connects the organs and lays within the cardiovascular system. It brings all of the chakras together by connecting the lower ones with the higher ones.


The Throat Chakra controls all parts of the throat and is represented by blue and the ether, which creates a space for the other elements to fill. This Chakra is tied to confidence, communication, and self-expression.

The Third Eye can be found between the eyebrows. It’s represented by indigo but has no elemental association. This Chakra controls wisdom, intellect, spiritual power, and intuition.

The Crown Chakra is the highest of all the Chakras as it sits on the top of your head. This is represented by either white or violet. It connects a person to their higher self and is tied to inner wisdom and the cosmos.

The History of Chakra

Originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC. The Chakra system was originally an Eastern philosophy and spread through word-of-mouth. That was until New Age authors heard about the Chakras and wrote about them, to make this knowledge accessible to more people. 

Chakra 101 Course


Maintaining your Chakras, keeping your chakras balanced and aligned is vital for you to function at your optimal level in every aspect of your life. We will be going over the 7 basic major chakras in Free Spirit Healer Chakras 101 Course: The Root, The Sacral, The Solar Plexus, The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra, The Third Eye, and The Crown Chakra. 

Each chakra has a specific purpose in keeping all of our bodies balanced and aligned with one's higher self and purpose. Through my course, you will be able to fully hone your chakra. The more you know about chakras the more you will find how to use each one of your chakras to manifest and to raise your overall vibration.

Are you interested in learning about Chakras? Do you already have knowledge of them? Share with us by either commenting under this article or reaching out to us on social media

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