How to Use Your First Tarot Card Set

How to Use Your First Tarot Card Set

Do you want to get into tarot cards but are not sure how they work? Did you get your first set of tarot cards, but not really sure how to use them properly? Then this is the article for you. In this article, we’ll be talking about what you need to do before you start reading cards for others, or even yourself, how to properly care for your tarot cards, what not to do with them, and the significance of grounding. 

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Learning how to read tarot cards is not as simple as one may think. There is a lot of meaning behind each card, and it’s important to have this knowledge before you start reading others. Understanding the cards and how to treat them is a crucial part of tarot reading. So read on, take notes, and see what you need to know once you get your tarot cards. 

Familiarize Yourself with Your Deck 


In order to learn how to properly use your tarot deck, you first need to familiarize yourself with the cards. Each card has a different meaning, and it’s important that you learn what each card represents. 

For example, swords represent the air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius). The cups represent the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pieces). Coins, also known as pentacles, represent earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn). Lastly, wands represent the fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius). 

Practicing and Cleansing

It’s important to practice on yourself first. Try to spend every day pulling out cards for yourself and see what cards you picked. You can also journal the meaning of each card you picked for yourself, so you can reference it later on. This can help you understand the cards and what they represent. 

Cleansing your new deck is a way that people make a connection and familiarize themselves with the deck. It’s recommended that you cleanse it when you first get the deck since the cards have picked up on the energies of every person that has touched it in the shipping/handling process. There are many different ways you can cleanse your cards, such as using crystals, smoke, sunlight, moonlight, and sound. 


Treat Your Deck with Care


Treating your deck with care and respect is very important. Never bend or shuffle the cards. Don’t bend or abuse your cards in any way. You need to treat them with care and respect, as you would for anything else. 

Treating your cards with respect is very important. That includes cleaning them if they somehow get stained. How you store your cards is something to keep in mind too. You can keep them in their original packaging, or you can have them on fabrics, bohemian bags, or natural wood. 



Before you start reading, practice grounding yourself. This means connecting with nature and Mother Earth’s heart before you start reading. You want to get permission from her before beginning. Grounding also helps maintain the balance. Opening up lets all energies penetrate your chakra. 

Ways to Ground Yourself

There are different ways you can ground yourself. You can walk barefoot outside in your yard., rub salt and soap into your hands, and some people use stones. Everybody has their own way of grounding. 

Grounding also acts as a protective shield around you that keeps the negative energies that may come your way. It also helps to keep you anchored in the physical world If you’re not grounded, you may start to feel dizzy or spaced out during the reading. 

Additional Tips and Advice 


Now that you’ve learned how to begin using and developing a relationship with your cards, here are some additional tips and advice to keep in mind. 

Avoid indulging in toxic behaviors, even the behaviors you may not see as toxic. You don’t want to invite negative energy into yourself. It’s also important to set boundaries and take care of your body. Both spiritual and physical. 

Do Your Research

Lastly, whoever you decide to have as a teacher or mentor, make sure you thoroughly research them before deciding on the person. You want to make sure your mentor is someone who knows what they’re doing, someone you can trust to properly learn from.

Someone who means you no harm and has the same morals and ethics as you do. Another vital aspect, you have to have a connection with your teacher and/or mentor. 

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